Single Level

One day: Level 1 or Level 2

   Online*: $350
Onsite: $350

*For our scheduled online Courses

 Weekend Rate

2 days: Levels 1 and 2 together/ Or single Level 3

Online*: $595
On location: $595

*For our scheduled online Courses

 Levels 1,2,3 together

 For onsite group Courses

Which level should you take?

Our course consists of 3 levels.
Typically, experienced music teachers sign up for levels 1+2 over one weekend (no prior drumming experience needed).
Inexperienced music teachers prefer to do level 1 first, and put into practice what they’ve learned before coming back to do level 2.
Level 3 is a more robust 2-day deep dive into facilitation and musicality, and is only recommended to graduates of level 1 + 2.
Download the Facilitator Training Overview

Teacher Training: Book Your Own & Online

Group Courses

We bring the Course to your group online at a time which suits your schedule.

Ideal for busy organisations, and for a locally organised collaboration of schools and community groups who send their teachers, coordinators, youth workers to come and learn.

Contact us

1-on-1 Courses: Online
Join us online and have the course delivered to you no matter where you are.
Level 1 and Level 2 consist of two sessions each, with each session lasting about 110 minutes.
Level 3 includes four sessions of 110 minutes each, and we offer the option to combine sessions to fast track your learning.

Level 1 or 2:
1 participant    $550
2 participants  $950
3 participants  $1300

Level 3:
1 participant    $990
2 participants  $1700
3 participants  $2400

Levels 1 & 2:
1 participant    $990
2 participants  $1700
3 participants  $2400

Levels 1, 2 & 3:
1 participant    $1880
2 participants  $3000
3 participants  $4000

Online Book Your Own PD sessions

Post Facilitator Training or for expanding your repertoire

One participant: $150 per hour / $275 per 2 hours
Two participants: $270 per hour / $470 per 2 hours
Three participants: $370 per hour / $640 per 2 hours

Course Content

What we deliver at each level of the Course


What you can achieve with your groups as an AD Facilitator


Registration & Enquiries

Register for the Course or ask a question