The Manual
The Manual is the backbone of our Course. As well as being our study companion at the Course itself it also provides a crucial role in helping you apply what you’ve learned to the classroom, with host of practical road-ready resources that you can take straight to your students.
- Aims
- Themes
- Phases
- Curriculum Material
- Instructional Resources
- Teachers Bag of Tricks
- Hand Signals Guide
- Rhythm, call and échauff Notation
- Templates
- Glossary
- Rhythmic Flow Chart
- Workshop Template

The New Zealand Curriculum & African Drumming
Many of our participants are school teachers keen to take the power of African Drumming to their classroom. We’ve worked hard to align our Course content to the New Zealand Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching
Profession, to offer you the best possible teaching tools applicable to any classroom.
Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice.
Foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among learners so that they
experience an environment in which it is safe to take risks.
Manage the learning setting to ensure access to learning for all and to maximise
learners’ physical, social, cultural and emotional safety.
Teach in ways that ensure all learners are making sufficient progress, and monitor
the extent and pace of learning, focusing on equity and excellence for all.
Use an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities,
technologies and assessment for learning strategies and modify these in response
to the needs of individuals and groups of learners.
Teach in ways that enable learners to learn from one another, to collaborate,
to self-regulate and to develop agency over their learning.
Select teaching approaches, resources, and learning and assessment activities based on a thorough knowledge of curriculum content, pedagogy, progressions in learning and the learners.
Harness the rich capital that learners bring by providing culturally responsive and engaging
contexts for learners.