The body of research and quantifiable data on the benefits of drumming have boomed in the last 15 years, spurred on by the djembe’s growing popularity across the world.

Emotional relief

Drumming has shown stress-relieving and burnout preventing effects, and group drumming especially reduces the experience of anxiety, depression and loneliness


Drumming is accessible regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and ability.

Cognitive function

Drumming has a distinctly therapeutic aspect – it’s good for our state of mind. It exercises the brain through stimulating cognitive functions like perception, attention and memory. Drumming is good for the body too, and not just for psycho-motor coordination.

Creativity and confidence

The value of group drumming as a transformative and healing activity has been widely researched and endorsed by the health professionals. Part of the magic of this music, which fits wonderfully in the contexts of office environment, is a sense of belonging and contribution. Drumming is a positive outlet for creative expression which transcends barriers to participation such as language and gender and truly empowers and motivates.


As an opportunity for people to express themselves beyond words, non verbal communication offers a new voice.


Drumming is a stimulating activity which leaves the group energised and relaxed at the same time, an uplifting feeling brought about by the physical, emotional and social benefits of group drumming.


Drumming can be an incredible meditative tool, allowing participants to focus on the beats, the drum, or their hands, and truly experience themselves in the “here & now”, while promoting awareness of their feelings, thoughts and behaviour.